Thursday 1 November 2012

I had a lovely message. I do have a love hate relationship with the Evilbay but today jsut warmed my heart my feedack was

VERY talented sculptor of bases! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! Positive I was well impressed with myself so I had to say thanks for the praise and the feeback. I wasnt expecting any more untill I read

No problem Spectre - its deserved! Its a great base & now iv got it im debating with myself who gets the honour of being mounted on it - I do GW's 40K & I was originally intending it for my Imperial Guard Colonel/General/Bossman but now iv got it im thinking it will suit my Eversor Assassin - the one with the severed head in his hand! - goes with the theme perfectly (ill send you a pic when im done of you like)

Wish i could sculpt like you matey. Im told Im a pretty good painter (commission standard) but I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with greenstuff sculpting - the only things i can sculpt are easy things like hair & beards on existing minis, fill cracks, make bases look nice ect (I did model some guts coming out of a dead/wounded space marine a couple of years back - that came out pretty well) but thats pretty much my limit - Keep up the good work -

i LOVE wounded/dead on mini bases - you sont see nearly enought! I would buy more - ill check ur shop now but Id like some "Terminator" sized bases similar to this (dead sci-fi humans ect if you do them. Ill take a look now.

Kind regards & hope to do business in future

Will & Chantelle

Gives me the will to keep on rocking !

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